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with LGG Hypoallergenic Infant Formula, Powder, 561g, Pack of 4

Original price was: $47.51.Current price is: $39.59.

  • Clinically proven to reduce colic due to cow??s milk protein allergy quickly, often within 48 hours; Studied before the addition of LGG culture, DHA and ARA
  • Clinically proven to reduce colic due to cow??s milk protein allergy quickly, often within 48 hours; Studied before the addition of LGG culture, DHA and ARA
  • Contains extensively hydrolyzed protein
  • Contains DHA, a type of Omega 3 fat and an important building block of the brain

Nutramigen A+ with LGG is a hypoallergenic, extensively hydrolyzed infant formula, providing special feeding for babies with cow??s milk protein allergy including colicky* babies. Now with the friendly bacteria LGG. Due to cow’s milk protein allergy.


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