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3D Pen & Printer Filament Refills | PLA 1.75mm | 25 Colour Array, 20 Solid Colours + 5 Fluorescent/Transparent, 33ft Each, 825 Feet Total

Original price was: $53.98.Current price is: $44.98.

  • ????????????ߪ???% ???B??????B ???d?????̭??????y ??׽???B???? ?????׽???ת??? ???ת?????p ???y???????????????p???٪??B ?M?This item is non-toxic and very safe for children. Compared to ABS and other materials, PLA is the safest 3D filament for children
  • ?????????????? ???ת?׽???p ???d??????? ???????٪?????d ?????׽??????????? ??????B ???d??????? ?????׽???p??????٪??d ?M?Most brands offer 220-360 feet of total filament, we are offering 850 feet with a wider range of colours
  • ?????????d???p??׽???B??????O??׽???p???٪??B???d ???ת????????????p???٪?????y???٪??B???d ?M?This item contains 5 flourescent colours with a very unique appearance – They have a slight glow to them
  • ??????????????????????٪??????p??׽?????׽??????????? ??׽???B???? ???٪??y??????B????????????y??׽???? ?M?PLA is a biodegradable material and is safe for the environment. Each box contains 25 filaments of varying colours, each carefully shrink wrapped in separate packaging to avoid moisture
  • ?????????ڪ??] ???y????????????????p????, ??????? ???ת??٪??٪??d ???٪?׽???y???, ??????ڪ??] ???ת??٪??٪??d ???d??????d??׽???? ?M?25 colours PLA filament to EXPLORE your 3D creativity and express your artistic ideas. Great for children and adults alike and compatible with most 3D pens and 3D printers

Our item is unique in quality and different from other products in these areas


  • 20 SOLID COLOURS ?M?Coffee, Green, Purple, Light Purple, Blue, Sky Blue, Dark Blue, Transparent, Pink, Cyan, Gray, Plum Red, Silver, Golden, Black, Watermelon, Yellow, White, Red, Orange
  • 5 FLOURESCENET COLOURS ?M?Fluorescent Blue, Fluorescent Red, Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Green, Fluorescent Lemon
  • 75 MM ?M?Universal compatible with most 1.75 mm 3D pens and printers(Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.05 mm). Such as NEXTECH, MYNT3D, PACKGOUT, Tecboss, Soyan, Scribbler, Vcall, Victorstar, Amzdeal, Soyan, iLifeSmart, Aerb, SHONCO, MOHOO, Anpro, Mookie, AFUNTA, HUSOAR, IDO3D and TANGMI 3D Pen.
  • HIGH PURITY QUOTIENT ?M?Manufactured with the purest of raw materials to achieve an overall good performance on your 3D printing projects. Very good size stability, electrical performance, ductility, fluidity, high toughness and extremely low shrinkage. Tolerance is within +/- 0.2mm high print surface which produces 3D objects that can be spray painted
  • GOOD MOLDING, GOOD STABILITY AND HIGH PRECISION – Very good size stability, electrical performance, ductility, fluidity, high toughness and extremely low shrinkage. Tolerance is within +/- 0.2mm high print surface which produces 3D objects that can be spray painted


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SKU: 9LKZVQ870B Category: